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Holocaust Speaker - Ingrid Steppic - Community Presentation


Thu, Sep 29, 2022 - Thu, Sep 29, 2022


07:00 PM to 09:00 PM


Wendy Maruska

Holocaust Speaker - Ingrid Steppic - Community Presentation


Held in the Power School Gym: 

Thursday, Sept. 29th:  9:30 a.m. Ingrid Steppic's presentation to 280 students from Power, Fairfield, Cascade, Shelby, and Dutton/Brady

7 p.m.  Ingrid Steppic's presentation to the public




Ingrid Steppic, a Holocaust survivor, is scheduled to come speak to the Junior High and High School students on September 29th. The Holocaust Center in Seattle, Washington allows schools and organizations to invite survivors to speak to their groups free of charge. The only expenses the school covers is travel and lodging. 


Joni Olson, High School English teacher at Power, took the lead on scheduling Ms. Steppic to come to Power. Miss Olson also secured a grant from 3 Rivers Communications to help cover travel and food expenses. Carla Pfeifle is generously opening her home and providing transportation for Ms. Steppic while she is visiting our community. 


We look forward to welcoming Ms. Steppic to our community in September and learning from her experience. 



Ingrid Steppic will present to students in the morning and to the community in the evening at 7 pm, educating us about her Dutch family's bravery to hide 40 Jewish people during the Holocaust. 

Ingrid volunteers through the Holocaust Center for Humanity in Seattle.


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